Showing 1–36 of 227 results

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Voltage sensor Module

18650 MODULE

Micro TP4056 USB5.5V/1A Lithium Battery Charger

WS2812 Breakout Board

CH375B U-DISK read write module USB interface communication spi interface

PAM8403 Version 2

MAX485 TO TTLL Module

USB for DIY charger 5V step-up power module lithium battery charging board

10 segment led bargraph light display red, yellow, green, blue

NE555 Pulse Module

PAM8403 Version 1

1 Chanel 5v Relay Module for Arduino

1 CHANNEL 5v relay

Joystick Module

Low Level Trigger Active Buzzer Alarm Module

AVR-ISP 10Pin to 6pin Adapter PCB for USBASP Programmer

DC-DC Adjustable Boost Module 2A Boost Plate 2A Step Up Module with MICRO USB 2V – 24V to 5V 9V 12V 28V LM2577 MT3608

Dc power supply module for dc power adapter plate

Micro SD

MT3608 DC-DC Step Up Power Module

DS1307 RTC Module

DC-DC boost module 0.9V ~ 5V l 5V 600MA USB mobile

Speed Measuring Sensor

MMA845 module digital triaxial accelerometer precision tilt 3-axis (Copy)

LM386 Audio Amplifier Module

MP1584EN Mini 3A DC-DC Converter

Vibration Sensor

IRF520 MOS FET Driver Module Sensor

XL6009 LM2596 DC-DC step up down boost buck voltage power converter module

4 bits tube led display module four serial for arduino 595 driver

Serial TO TTL MAX3232

360 Rotational Encoder Module



Sound Sensor

CD74HC4067 High Speed ​​CMOS 16-Channel Analog/Digital Multiplexer Breakout Module